By Rosalind Russell – Manitoulin Island sea cadets gathered with officers, families and friends for their 20th anniversary Review and Presentation of Awards this past Saturday.
The annual review is an opportunity for the members of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 348 Manitoulin to show off their many skills including a marching parade, and the presentation of awards since the inception and recognition of the corp by the Department of National Defence in 2004.
Being the 20th anniversary, attendees were also surprised with a presentation of alumni from the last two decades.
The event also included the presentation of various awards, a review of the accomplishments of the cadets, as well as the promotion of several members of the corp.
The event was held at Manitoulin Secondary School in M’Chigeeng on Saturday afternoon.
Photo: Inspection is always part of a military review by officers. Manitoulin Island sea cadets gathered with officers, families and friends for their 20th anniversary Review and Presentation of Awards this past Saturday. The annual review is an opportunity for the members of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 348 Manitoulin to show off their many skills including a marching parade, and the presentation of awards. Photos provided by 348 Manitoulin.
Notables: RCSCC MANITOULIN COMMANDING OFFICERS PRESENT AND PAST : Lt(N) Sylvain Boucher (Current), Lt(N) (ret’d) MAGGIE King Roi CD, L(N) (ret’d) Carmen Laidley CD (First CO of Manitoulin), LCdr (ret’d) Debra Good CD and Lt(N) (ret’d) Denis Blake CD.