Weekly free food bags focus of latest Trifecta Experience 

By Rosalind Russell – The Trifecta Experience based out of Spanish has received a grant, which will help provide free food to those in need. 

The grant, part of the Homelessness Prevention Program funded by the Ontario government, is being overseen by the Algoma District Services Administration Board.  

The organization made up of volunteers will use the money to provide 35 free fresh produce bags weekly from July 11th and running until October through its Seniors Free Lunch Program. 

They add in the past six weeks, they have grown their client base to 117 unique users across their catchment area adding they have been able to provide fresh produce donations to the Spanish Food Bank, Larry’s Place Men’s Shelter and others who need help. 

Visit thetrifectaexperience@gmail.com for more information. They will also accept requests or referrals via email for anyone who would like to access the community outreach program.  

 Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089755219725&mibextid=LQQJ4d 

 Website- https://www.thetrifectaexperience.com 

Photo: The Trifecta Experience has received grant funds to be able to provide food bags for those in need. Photo by Rosalind Russell

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