Elliot Lake council supports NOHFC application 

By Rosalind Russell – Elliot Lake council has endorsed a motion to apply for funding for a lift station to move forward on a residential development in the city. 

Economic Development Manager Steve Antunes reported to council an investment of $35,000 will be needed to support the Fox Drive Servicing Project. 

The commitment is needed as part of the process for applying for a grant from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation with the project estimated at $350,000. 

Antunes states there have been many delays in getting hydro services to the area, so initially the city had applied for funding from the corporation as well as FedNor to provide hydro service and install a lift station for the new development. 

However, he adds public works recently negotiated an agreement that would see the cost of hydro installation as a deposit rather than a fixed cost, with the deposit returned to the municipality as customers are brought online.  

Antunes says with that arrangement, the overall cost of this portion of the development is just over $88,000.  

He adds three lots are already waiting servicing, so the investment can be recouped in the future. 

Council endorsed the motion and hopes to have a response from the corporation by the fall.

Photo: The City of Elliot Lake is moving ahead with the Fox Drive Servicing Project. Photo by City of Elliot Lake.  

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