Island-wide meeting focuses on landfill challenges, and disposal of waste 

By Rosalind Russell – An Island-wide meeting with all the Manitoulin’s municipal councils and First Nations focused its attention on landfill challenges and the disposal of waste. 

As a result, those in attendance have formed a committee being led by Billings Councillor Vince Gorgan. 

He says the Island need solutions to handle waste and reduce trucking it off the Island. Grogan believes with the right initiatives the member communities can reduce about 80 percent of the waste going to Island landfills and transfer stations, along with reducing trucks hauling garbage off the Island, which will provide sustainability for the current facilities used throughout Manitoulin. 

He points out trucking (waste) isn’t the best solution with every truck generating 230 metric tonnes a year of carbon and costing millions of dollars adding diversion options could be a viable solution. 

The attendees are looking to the public to sit on the committee. 

There is funding available for the feasibility study with grants up to 50 percent of eligible costs to a maximum of $175,000 and if the proposal continues from there pilot project funding for 50-80 percent of eligible costs up to a maximum of $500,000. As well for capital projects financing is available for up to 80 percent of eligible costs to a maximum combined financing of $10 million. 

It was also pointed out that finding a new landfill site can take up to 10 years for final approval and be very costly.  

Grogan adds if they can educate people on what they can compost, how to reduce and divert from landfills, and how all of this is a benefit to keep a lot of waste out of landfills, that would help meet the challenges.  

Those interested can contact Tina Beckerton, financial/administrative assistant of Billings at 705-282-2611 ext. 221 or via email at 

Photo: Manitoulin Island councils and First Nations have formed a committee to look at ways to reduce waste and trucking costs, as well as to assess the situation of landfills and garbage disposal on the Island. Photo –

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