Espanola construction students keep Plexiglass out of landfill 

By Rosalind Russell – During the pandemic Plexiglass protection was purchased by many businesses and schools, but now that the pandemic is over, an Espanola school is putting them to good use.

Espanola High School, being the Platinum Level Eco School it is, has tasked their students in finding creative ways to keep this material out of the landfill.

Senior construction students have had a busy working on different proto-types, such as table legs and even a bridge recycling the Plexi-glass in the process.

The work will be carried out throughout the semester with the students planning an unveiling in the early Spring.

Photo: Espanola High School students are putting the Plexi-glass barriers installed during the pandemic to good use by recycling them into tables, containers, even a bridge and so much more. Photos provided by EHS

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