MPP Michael Mantha calls on government to compensate forestry sector

By Rosalind Russell – A local MPP says the plans to idle the pulp and paper mill in Espanola is leading to a domino effect in the forest industry.

During question period yesterday Algoma-Manitoulin MPP, Michael Mantha, called on the Conservative government to ensure operators in the forestry sector are made whole for fiber cut before the Espanola Domtar Mill idles its operations.

He says stopping operations at the mill will be disruptive enough as it is without adding the extra burden of watching harvested fiber rot at roadside and worrying about hundreds of potential job losses.

Mantha says Paper Excellence, which owns the Domtar Mill, has announced that operations at the paper mill will be idled indefinitely as soon as early November.

He adds forestry is a vital industry in the local districts, and the public needs to know who will pick up the bill for the unused fiber and how these forestry companies will be compensated for work already done.

Photo: Mike Mantha says the domino effect of the impending idling of the mill has an effect on forestry workers also. He wants the Conservatives to ensure that those workers will be fairly compensated for the work they have already carried out. Photo provided by Mike Mantha’s office and used with permission.

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