Structural mitigation funds put in place for Centennial Arena

By Rosalind Russell – Elliot Lake council has given their approval to spend some funds on structure mitigation efforts at the Centennial Arena.

Acting Director of Public Works, Bill Goulding, says the company, Wood Research and Design, will be coming back next week to do a final inspection of the arena and steps to mitigate potential damage such as roof stress due to snow loads.

He says the scope on the winter shoring design is detailed enough that the company could offer a price of just over $86,000 to carry out the work.

He adds with the final inspection, the company will be able to run a complete computer model detailing what further measures can be taken to make it through the winter.

Council gave its unanimous approval to the expenditure.

The Centennial Arena was closed to the public this fall because of increased concerns about the roof and the safety of users.

Photo: Centennial Arena closed to the public due to more repairs being needed than originally assessed. The inspections continue with a plan and a timeline being put in place for repairs. Photo supplied by City of Elliot Lake 

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