Elliot Lake council to discuss mayor vacancy tonight 

By Rosalind Russell – Tonight’s meeting of Elliot Lake council will focus on options on how to fill the vacancy of the mayor’s chair. 

Council must fill the vacancy following the removal of former mayor Chris Patrie by the courts. In interim, Andrew Wannan has been filling the position of Acting Mayor. 

A staff report recommends four options: appoint a current member of council; hold an open call for nominations from qualified individuals; appoint a candidate from the 2022 Municipal Election or hold a by-election. 

Whichever option is chosen, the report recommends that the appointment, or a call for a by-election, occur at the February 12th council meeting. 

If the vacancy is filled by appointment, the report recommends the Oath of Office is taken at that meeting, but if through a by-election by June 10th. 

The meeting starts at 7 pm this evening. 

Members of the public who may wish to address council on this matter or any other matter on the agenda must register with the city clerk by 12 noon of the meeting day (Monday) for a two-minute period during the Public Input Session held at the beginning of the council meeting. The clerk may be reached at 705-848-2287 or nbray@city.elliotlake.on.ca 

Photo: Elliot Lake council will discuss the different options to fill the vacancy in the mayor’s seat following the removal of former mayor Chris Patrie by the courts.  Photo by Rosalind Russell

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