By Rosalind Russell – The Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon held a ceremony on May 8, celebrating Victory in Europe Day. This memorial gathering which took place at the CSC Nouvelon board office commemorating the Victory of 1945 and the end of fighting in the Second World War on the European continent. The day is important in many Allied countries, particularly France, which pays tribute on this day to the commitment of its military personnel who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
This ceremony included Chief Warrant Officer (retired) Christophe Baldacchino, Deputy Delegate General for Le Souvenir français for Ontario and Manitoba, Major (retired) Paul E. Henry, OStJ, CD, M.Ed., ECCM, MRHSC, Sudbury representative for Le Souvenir Français, member of the Canadian Education Committee, and Director of Education and Secretary-Treasurer at CSC Nouvelon, had the honour of welcoming Bertrand Pous, Consul General of France in Toronto; Mr. Federico Dudet-Bélanger, Honorary Consul of France in Sudbury; LCol (retired) André Levesque, OMM, KStJ, OOnt, CD, Ph.D., FRSA delegate general in Canada for Le Souvenir Français; Mr. Yann-Alexandre Girard, member of the Board of Directors of the Amicitia France-Canada Monument; Major (retired) Christophe Raisonnier, MStJ, CD, advisor to the delegate general in Canada for Le Souvenir Français; and Dr. Alis B. Kennedy, OOnt, CD, OMC, Canadian member of Section 1846 SNEMN.
This celebration also welcomed a delegation of students from CSC Nouvelon, including: Zackary Vaillancourt, Student Trustee at CSC Nouvelon and Prime Minister of École secondaire catholique l’Horizon (Val Caron); Alexie Blais, Prime Minister of École secondaire catholique Champlain (Chelmsford); Nadia Guillemette, Prime Minister of École secondaire du Sacré-Cœur (Sudbury); and Justine Toner, Prime Minister of Collège Notre-Dame (Sudbury).
CSC Nouvelon, commemorating for the very first time this Remembrance Day celebrated in France, plans to make the gathering an annual event.