By Grant Lewis – No wonder these kids are smiling! Where else can you combine sports, science, outdoor living skills, art and nature all at once? Well, the Y.M.C.A. is doing exactly that in Espanola this summer at their summer day camp program at the Complex. Each week in July has a theme….sports, nature and art, outdoor living, and science. During August the themes are repeated but with different activities. So for about 80 kids ages 5 to 12, their summer is anything but boring. Kendra MacIsaac, V.P. of Health and Wellness at the “Y” in Sudbury says that the program has been successful and will return next summer.These kids have used the splash pad, had a visit from our local Firefighters, and have used the basketball court and soccer pitch.
The Espanola Lions Club jumped on board immediately with a donation of $1,000. On hand to present the cheque was Elly Charette, Lions President. On hand to receive the cheque were some happy kids and staff: Kendra MacIsaac, Liam Gray, Wilson Vanier, Ethan Leblanc and Carley Sobiera the Site Supervisor. Just look at a typical daily schedule to see just how busy these kids are!!!