By Rosalind Russell – The Richards Landing Site Committee of the North Shore Health Network (NSHN) Auxiliary recently committed over $40,000 towards purchasing essential equipment at the NSHN Richards Landing – Matthews Site.
Acting Chair of the Site Committee, Joan Clute, says the gift will directly impact patient outcomes through the purchase of two new automatic blood pressure monitors, which fit patients of all ages in measuring blood pressure, oxygen saturation and pulse.
She says the equipment includes six automatic IV pumps for medication equipped with a full drug library that is wirelessly updated to reduce risk of medication errors; a new ECG machine, used to monitor heart activity, and new batteries for the portable x-ray machine.
She adds the committee has a long-standing tradition of supporting the site including the Annual Richards Landing Community Night, which raised over $28,000 this year.
Klute extends a thank you to the public for making a difference for patients.
Since 2019, the committee has raised over $283,000.
Photo; The Richards Landing Site Committee of the North Shore Health Network (NSHN) Auxiliary held their biggest fundraiser so far with the Annual Richards Landing Community Night raising over $28,000. That has helped the committee buy several pieces of equipment for their local site. Photos provided by NSHN