By Rosalind Russell – Plans to transport uranium tailings and niobium from Nipissing First Nation to the Agnew Lake Tailings site have been halted.
Nairn & Hyman Township Mayor Amy Macey says there is a missing approval from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, so the halt was put in place but does not know how long that will last.
She emphasizes there was always a planned transportation halt for winter, but the township does not know if the halt will last until Spring.
Macey says she and her CAO, Belinda Ketchabaw, will attend the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) and have asked for meetings with the ministers of Mines, Transportation and Environment, and the Opposition Party Leader.
She says they plan on presenting their case for accurate scientific information about the material purposed for the Agnew Lake site and getting some answers about the short-and-long term risks to their drinking water.
The conference is in Toronto in late January.
Photo: Nearly 200 people attended a hearing where ministries and commissions explained what is going on with a project to transport radioactive waste to the Agnew Lake area. Mayor Amy Macey says she finally has received the minutes from the meeting, months after it took place. Photo by Rosalind Russell