By Rosalind Russell – Algoma Manor Nursing Home in Thessalon has partnered with St. Joseph’s General Hospital in Elliot Lake to bring forward an expansion of non-urgent transportation services to Elliot Lake and along the North Shore.
Leslie Sanders, the Chief Nursing Executive, says this is an expansion of non-urgent transportation and the community shuttle program.
She emphasizes the initiative is a crucial step toward ensuring equitable access to healthcare for rural communities in Elliot Lake and along the North Shore.
Pamela Ficociello, Algoma Manor’s CEO, says the service will assist in closing current gaps and provide much-needed and necessary transportation services to community members along the main byways, Highway 17 and Highway 108.
She adds Algoma Manor offers the use of two accessible vans and one stretcher van.
Transportation is accessible and can be used to connect loved ones, for medical appointments and procedures, and help community members participate in recreational and social activities.
To inquire about transportation services community members can contact Patti Mackenzie by calling (705) 842-2840 EXT. 154.
Photos: Providing transportation for medical appointments and helping community members participate in recreational and social activities is behind a new partnership with the hospital in Elliot Lake and a long-term facility in Thessalon. Algoma Manor has two accessible vans and one stretcher van, which will allow them to transport community members to Elliot Lake for their appointments and more. Greg Cowtan is proud to drive his clients where they need be when they need to be there.
Photos provided by Algoma Manor