Blind River seen as leader in accessibility by minister

Photo: Blind River was acknowledged at the ROMA conference by the Ontario government for their Assigned Seats Are Not Our Style: Sit Anywhere That Makes You Smile project. Photo provided by ROMA

By Rosalind Russell – The Town of Blind River is being seen as a leader in accessibility following the Rural Ontario Municipality Association conference.

Last year Ontario funded Blind River’s Assigned Seats Are Not Our Style: Sit Anywhere That Makes You Smile project.

Raymond Cho, Ontario’s Minister for Seniors and Accessibility stated at the conference that Blind River is helping to make communities more accessible, and that kind of leadership and innovation benefits everyone.

Blind River installed new accessible picnic tables that promote outdoor play, encourages a sense of place, and provides the public with a place to rest and interact, adds Cho.

He points out with the $5-million investment the town also provides games attached to the tabletops to promote French, English and First Nation learning, an original innovation for other communities to consider.

 “This project was a special puzzle piece that connected over $5M of inclusive community recreation enhancements.

Permanently fixed, comfortable seating can be found throughout Blind River. 

Users are no longer limited to summer installations.

Thanks to Ontario, our locals of all ages and abilities, as well as tourists, can rest and recharge in high-quality spaces year-round,” says Mayor Sally Hagman acknowledging Minister Cho’s compliments and espousing the success of the program.

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