Cambrian College provides trade hands-on experience to Espanola students

Photo: Cambrian College’s Espanola’s trades program provided a three-week hands-on program this summer. Rob McKechnie of Home Hardware joined students, Quynlan Vuorensyrja, Norm Desbiens and Violet Rogers, and Henry Girard, the instructor for the program. Home Hardware provided all the supplies needed to Cambrian’s trade program. Photo provided by Cambrian College

By Rosalind Russell – A group of students completed a summer program in home improvement and maintenance course through Cambrian College’s Espanola site.

Cambrian has specially outfitted trades trailers on site to teach students a variety of skills such as home construction, and basic electrical and plumbing installations says instructor Henry Girard.

He says the class not only constructed a bathroom, but they also built a full practice wall with window for the Espanola Volunteer Fire Department to use for training purposes.

The program receives supports from local businesses including supplies donated by Espanola Home Hardware.

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