Cambrian mapping out next five years 

By Rosalind Russell – Cambrian College is mapping out the next five years and wants the public’s help to do it. 

According to the release, as a college, the institution is setting a strategy to help shape where they grow and what they focus on, to create the best experiences and outcomes possible for students, faculty, staff, and partners.  

The new Strategic Plan will focus on developing strategies for 2025 to 2030. 

As part of the process, a website has been created and the college is asking for the public’s input. 

Questions will be put to the public on a regular basis and once all the data is gathered, the draft of the living document will be put out to the wider community for review. 

It will then be reviewed by the Core Engagement Team and Senior Team and then given final approval by the Board of Governors by the end of the year. 

To take part in the process, visit our websites for the link. 

Photo provided by Cambrian College  

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