Carol Hughes’ Column

Carol Hughes’ Column – Canada Day a Reminder of the Power of Community

Canada Day is once again just around the corner, and it means something a little different for everyone. Of course, it’s our national holiday, a day to remember Confederation and the building of our nation. It’s a day we remind … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – Threats Against MPs are Completely Out of Hand

Last week, the House of Commons Procedure and House Affairs Committee (PROC) began reviewing the House’s policy on workplace harassment and violence prevention. This, in years’ past, would register as an innocuous meeting not worthy of generating even a small … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – Loblaws is Once Again at the Centre of Alleged Anti-Competitive Behaviour

To say that a significant portion of Canadians are getting fed up with Loblaws’ chain of grocery stores is, at this point, underselling customers’ frustrations with the grocery giant. According to Statistics Canada, grocery prices have risen by 21.4 percent … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – Disruptions on the Horizons Report Gives Us a Guide to Canada’s Upcoming Challenges

This week, Policy Horizons Canada, a think tank that explores trends to examine potential challenges future Canadians and governments may need to contend with, released a report titled Disruptions on the Horizons. It’s an interesting document that tasked over 500 … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – Federal Government Doesn’t Need to Use the Notwithstanding Clause

This year marks the 42nd anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms being signed. The Charter forms an enormous part of our Constitution, and carries with it the fundamental guarantees of our freedoms, including the freedom of association, … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – Foreign Meddling Didn’t Affect Election Outcomes, But Did Undermine Our Trust

“Our electoral system is robust. Active foreign interference did occur during the last two general federal general elections, but they did not undermine the integrity of our electoral system. Our system remains sound. Voters were able to cast their ballots, … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – We Need to See Leadership to Reduce Plastic Pollution

Last week, Ottawa hosted the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international plan to combat plastic pollution, otherwise known as INC-4. The meeting was designed with the hope that UN Member States would agree to a … Continue reading

MP Carol Hughes Column – GC Strategies Partners Astonishing Call to the Bar of the House

Last week, one of the partners of GC Strategies, the contractor responsible for the ArriveCan boondoggle, was questioned by the entire House of Commons. The individual in question, Kristian Firth, joins the rare ranks of the select few people to … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column- Budget 2024 is Focused on Affordability, but Lacks Teeth to Go After Corporate Giants

This week, the government put forward yet another budget that lays out their agenda for the upcoming year. It comes at a time where some of the biggest issues of our time, including the costs of housing and food, require … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – Amid Food Insecurity, Now is the Time for a National School Food Program

Food bank usage across the country is at its highest level since 1989, according to Food Bank Canada. We know that people are struggling to put nutritious food on their tables, and its affecting everyone. Large grocery chains like Loblaws … Continue reading