
A Few Life Lessons For The Year Ahead — Trust 2022

Outnumbered by Chinese troops during the Korean War with air support and reinforcements snowed in 20 miles away, American Colonel Lewis B. Puller had two marine regiments trapped in the Chosin Reservoir and surrounded by 60,000 enemy troops. At 25°F … Continue reading

Crazy, Curious And Witty Things Were Said In 2021

Really famous people made some outrageously false statements last year.After the horrific chaos at Afghanistan’s Kabul airport which saw thousands of desperate people swarming departing planes and some falling from the fuselage was followed by a suicide bombing that killed … Continue reading

Lucious Slush Punch

Recipe I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I wish everyone all the best in the New Year.  If you are planning on celebrating New Year’s Eve at home I have a delicious punch for you.  It can be … Continue reading

My 2021 Top 15 COVID S**T Show Memorable Moments

I will apologize up front for the profanity but — if it begins with a run on toilet paper, if it involves two agonizing years of masking, distancing, and isolation, if we still have a bunch of a- -holes refusing … Continue reading

Last Month Was Stranger Than Lips On A Woodpecker!

This last stretch of strange began when I was scanning the weekend NYT Book Review and spotted a just-released bestseller titled Is Superman Circumcised? If it’s a question, I’m guessing ‘yes’ and quite likely a jackhammer and a hatchet were … Continue reading

Weekend Brunch Casserole

Recipe With the holidays here, it’s nice to have a casserole to serve company. This is perfect for brunch or Christmas morning breakfast. Weekend Brunch Casserole • 1 pound of sausage (casing removed)• 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese• 2 green … Continue reading

Old Fashion Sour Cream Cut-Out Cookies

Recipe I made these last year and they were my favourite cookie on the tray. A cut-out cookie with a touch of nutmeg flavour and cake-like softness. You may be tempted to replace the shortening with butter, but the shortening … Continue reading

Airline’s New ‘Passing Gas’ Policy. Triple Masking May Be Mandatory.

Booking an overnight flight to Europe and reading about all the erratic behaviour by airline passengers lately — I’m thinking that passing my pre-boarding COVID test might not be my biggest problem… passing gas might be.Amid the fighting and biting, … Continue reading

Crab and Shrimp Rangoon Dip

Recipe My friend and I decided to adjust the original recipe for Rangoon Dip by adding shrimp and cheddar cheese to it and we think it turned out delicious; a hot, cheesy dip that you would order off a menu … Continue reading

Our Parliament Is Now In Session —Let The Trash Talking And Back Biting Begin!

By tradition, members of the 44th Canadian Parliament took their seats in the House of Commons last week with the Usher of the Black Rod banging on the chamber’s door three times with his trademark ebony staff. This simple 671-year-old … Continue reading