
Michael Mantha’s News from the Park for 230519

Most readers of this column know that while my career has recently hit some heavy seas of late, I believe that navigating such a trying storm has provided me with tremendous opportunities. The experience has allowed me to contemplate my … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – It’s Time to Set Guidelines for Confidence Matters

One of the more interesting features of Canadian democracy and the work of the House of Commons is the confidence convention. On vitally important matters, such as budget bills or the Speech from the Throne, Members of Parliament vote not … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – Tax Havens Mean Richest Canadians Pay Less

Most Canadians would have finished filing their taxes for 2022 a few weeks ago. While nobody enjoys filing their taxes, most of us understand that taxation is a fairly normal part of civilized society. We understand that money gained through … Continue reading

Michael Mantha’s News from the Park column 230512

Returning to Queen’s Park after spending time travelling Algoma-Manitoulin is always a bit of a culture shock for me. Going from community to community, I am always uplifted by the engaging conversations that constituents want to have about the issues … Continue reading

Michael Mantha’s News from the Park for 230505

Well, what can I say, except isn’t life just full of surprises? As most readers know, I now sit as an Independent Member of the Provincial Parliament. The independent investigation process is ongoing, and my staff and I continue to … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – 2 Billion Trees Program Off to a Rocky Start

During the 2019 election, the Liberals put forward a commitment to plant two billion trees across the country by 2030 as one prong to counter the effects of climate change. The idea is that, by planting more trees across the … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – Canada’s Tragic Report Card on Femicide

The Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability (CFOJA) has recently released a detailed report on gender-based violence and murder in Canada. The #CallItFemicide Report 2018-2022 delves into the data that shows gender-based violence and murder has been increasing for … Continue reading

MPP Michael Mantha demands action on Northern physician shortage

QUEEN’S PARK – Today Michael Mantha, MPP for Algoma-Manitoulin pressed Health Minister Sylvia Jones on the critical shortage of family physicians and specialists in Northern Ontario during Question Period.     “Rural and Northern communities are especially struggling to ensure … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – Auditor General’s Report Shows Government Failing People with Disabilities in Transportation Sector

Recently, Auditor General Karen Hogan released a report that examined the accessibility of federally regulated transportation services, such as planes and trains, for people with disabilities. The report paints a harsh picture of the difficulties and barriers people with disabilities … Continue reading

Carol Hughes’ Column – Permanently Expanding Student Grants the Right Move

The inflationary problems that have plagued Canadians throughout the past year are slowly starting to ease. February’s year-over-year inflation rate cooled to 5.2 percent, still above target for a healthy economy and higher than the Bank of Canada’s target inflation … Continue reading