Michael Mantha’s News From The Park

Michael Mantha’s News from the Park for 240726

Buying alcohol is not a crisis, so why is it Ford’s highest priority?  July 26, 2024 Summer is finally in full swing across Algoma-Manitoulin, and with it comes a renewed appreciation for all the things that our part of the … Continue reading

Michael Mantha’s News from the Park for 210621

children safe from super hot classrooms a low priority to Doug Ford June 21, 2024 I have to say; given all of the conditions and experiences we see with increasing frequency throughout the year, it is hard to fathom how … Continue reading

Michael Mantha’s News from the Park 240614

Fixing the housing crisis is not easy work, but it’s a job we can’t afford to put off any longer June 14, 2024 We are now only days away from the official beginning of summer. Many of us count the … Continue reading

Michael Mantha’s News from the Park 240607

Let’s give credit to whom credit is due June 7, 2024 I have to say that we politicians are truly a puzzling lot to understand. It is with great confidence that I say there is no standard ‘type” or particular … Continue reading

Michael Mantha’s News from the Park 240531

Premier Ford’s narrative of a cash-strapped Ontario rings hollow May 31, 2024 The prevailing narrative in our province, our country and indeed globally right now is that we are facing lean economic times. I imagine most readers will agree with … Continue reading

Michael Mantha’s News from the Park for 240524

New and Rehabilitated Highway Rest Areas in Algoma-Manitoulin May 24, 2024 We are so very fortunate to live in a rugged, beautiful region with so many natural wonders and opportunities at our doorstep. What a privilege to call this place … Continue reading

Michael Mantha’s News from the Park 240510

The Ford government is denying thousands of Ontario children access  to the education they need Admittedly, it has been a few years since I last attended school. But you know, sometimes we have seemingly minor links to our past that … Continue reading

Michael Mantha’s News from the Park for 240503

‘What’s happening in Wilmot Township could happen in any farm community in Ontario’ May 3, 2024 The other morning, I enjoyed (well, sort of I enjoyed) a particularly energetic workout at the gym before heading into the Legislature. I know … Continue reading

Michael Mantha’s News from the Park 240419

Premier Ford can fix issues facing Ontario if he has the political will For most Ontarians, the concept of federalism is something that seldom crosses our minds. Students in school might engage with the concept during their social studies or … Continue reading

Michael Mantha’s News from the Park for 240426

It’s time for Doug Ford to support Ontario’s true to life Supermen and Superwomen Recently, one evening, I was working from home, catching up on some reading and making notes after enjoying a meeting with several representatives from the Ontario … Continue reading