By Rosalind Russell – A strike at Ontario’s 24 public colleges, including Cambrian, has been averted.
After more than six months of negotiations, the bargaining team representing over 15,000 college faculty across Ontario has signed a Memorandum of Agreement.
The Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) says there are significant benefit gains.
Officials say while the two sides otherwise remain at an impasse, the parties have agreed to send all outstanding items to mediation-arbitration.
The union says as a result, Ontario’s 24 public colleges will avoid a strike this term.
“Faculty working conditions are student learning conditions, and with a historic strike mandate and province-wide organizing, faculty sent the clear message that we’re ready to stand up to protect both,” says Ravi Ramkissoonsingh, chair of the faculty bargaining team.
OPSEU, and the College Employer Council (CEC), the bargaining agent for Ontario’s 24 public colleges, met in downtown Toronto over the course of January 6-7 in mediation.
“We are pleased to have averted an unnecessary strike at Ontario’s 24 public Colleges,” says Graham Lloyd, CEO, of CEC. “Our goal throughout negotiations has been to recognize the hard work of academic employees and to keep students in class.”
A new contract for college faculty will be ruled on at a further date by Arbitrator William Kaplan.
Photo provided by Cambrian College