By Grant Lewis – Community living needs a new van and how! Word is the old van sometimes is slightly temperamental to say the least. A new van is desperately needed to transport C.L.E. clients to appointments,for trips, and other activities. Word is, the cost is over $150,000. Of course it will be customized to fit two wide wheelchairs, walkers and safe seating for everyone. Fundraising has been going on for awhile and the Lions Catch the Ace tickets have been helping out a lot.
At a recent meeting, the Club was thrilled to present a cheque for over $24,000 to help out. Miranda Sokoloski, Shauna Dubreuil, Louise Laplante, Kathy Ainslie and Debbie Langlois(second row) were present to accept the cheque. We found out after the presentation that the van HAS BEEN ORDERED and will be here in a few months.
Espanola should be proud of the dedicated and compassionate staff at C.L.E. Their job is not an easy one providing care to their clients who need very special attention.
And of course, thanks to everyone who buys Catch the Ace tickets every week. There are few monetary winners, but when you think about it, EVERYONE is a winner.