Ducks Unlimited

By Rock Taylor – Actually, there is a limit of 5000 well trained ducks for this year’s 24th Annual Duck Race in support of North Shore Search and Rescue. The event, as always, is on July 1st but the selling of ducks or rather tickets for ducks will begin May 1st. As in previous years the tickets will cost $5 for a single ticket or a flock of 5 ducks for $20. Such a bargain! You will be able to find members of the Lions Club or NSSAR or others selling at the Royal Bank, Giant Tiger, Freshco, Home Hardware, Canadian Tire or Tanner’s. Pet Value will be selling again this year also. We will be moving around like a veritable flock of ducks so don’t miss your chance to buy when you see us. We are over 50 prizes this year, approaching $7000 in total prize value. For information on the amazing scope of the work done by NSSAR visit their website at or visit them on Facebook. Once you have read their story you will want to buy ducks in support!

Photo provided by Rock Taylor and used with permission.

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