ÉSC Jeunesse-Nord student trustee looks forward to representing students during the 2023-2024 school year

This year, Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon will benefit from the dedication of two student trustees who will serve as student representatives for the Board as well as the Student Senate. Mariska Lamothe and Zackary Vaillancourt will take part in the Board’s first meeting scheduled on Tuesday, September 26. 

Mariska Lamothe, a grade 12 student at École secondaire catholique Jeunesse-Nord (Blind River), will begin the second year of her term as student trustee for the District of Algoma. She is appreciated at ÉSC Jeunesse-Nord for her involvement in the student parliament as well as through her participation in the school’s basketball, volleyball and badminton teams. As a member of the Student Parliament, Mariska is always helpful and shows initiative in leading a variety of school activities. In light of her leadership, Mariska has served as captain of the ÉSC Jeunesse-Nord junior girls' volleyball team. 
Zackary Vaillancourt, a grade 12 student at École secondaire catholique l’Horizon (Val Caron), will serve as the new student trustee for the District of Sudbury for a one-year term. Zackary stands out at ÉSC l’Horizon through his leadership and involvement in the Student Parliament as well as in the school’s basketball, volleyball, soccer, cross country, badminton and athletics teams. He contributes to the success of his school's theme days as well as the welcoming activities for grade 9 students, sport tournaments and leadership camp.

“Our student trustees are the voice of our students and hold an important role in the promotion of French-language Catholic Education,” states Ms. Suzanne Salituri, President of the CSC Nouvelon. “They will play an important leadership role both at the board level and within our secondary schools.”

“I have full confidence that Mariska and Zackary will fulfill their duties as student representative for the Board as well as the Board’s Student Senate,” adds Mr. Paul E. Henry, Director of Education and Secretary Treasurer for the CSC Nouvelon. “We are proud of the fact that our students have the opportunity to develop their Catholic and Francophone leadership in their own school and their community.”

The Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon offers a French-language Catholic Educational Program that is widely recognized for its excellence. The CSC Nouvelon provides a quality learning environment and academic program that runs from early childhood to adult education, with some 5,900 students enrolled in 27 elementary and 10 secondary schools.

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