By Grant Lewis – On hand to receive their portion of round two of Catch the Ace are members of the Board/ Executive of the Espanola Minor Hockey Association plus the kids who just got off the ice after playing a team from Sudbury. There are over 160 players divided into 9 teams to organize for local and away tournaments. These volunteers are busy…fundraising, getting coaches and refs, confirming ice times and schedules, registering with the N.O.H.A. AND NOTHING IS FOR FREE THESE DAYS.That is why the Espanola Lions Club was thrilled to help out with a cheque for over $14,000 to help out. This group sold an incredible number of C.T.A. tickets plus shared in the Lions Portion of the pot! Wine sales, bag and tag, 50/50 draws, and bake sales also help to defray the formidable expenses for this group. Kids pay between $175 and $600 to play, and pay for their equipment, travel costs, and registration to events. It is a busy time for kids, parents, and volunteers alike. A banquet in April brings the action to a close plus the A.G.M. on May 14th. A huge Lions Roar to the volunteers. Well done!