Espanola receives federal funds towards housing

By Rosalind Russell – The Town of Espanola is receiving $2 million from the federal government’s Housing Accelerator Fund to assist in the construction of 64 new homes over the next three years by putting an Action Plan in place to assist developers and speed up development.

Nickel Belt MP Marc Serre made the announcement before a small group at the Espanola Regional Recreation Complex yesterday afternoon, noting that small municipalities need financial support to assist in alleviating the housing crisis.

Espanola Mayor Doug Gervais says it’s much needed in the wake of the closure of the Domtar Pulp and Paper Mill nearly a year ago and in meeting the municipal Strategic Plan.

Town CEO Joseph Burke says the town will be taking a five-prong Action Plan approach in utilizing the funds by diversifying housing density, introducing a Climate Adaptability Plan to support energy-efficient housing, modernizing the geographical information system and land utilization strategy to increase the land base, and working closely with housing providers and developers.

He says the action plan could also help spur the construction of 400 new homes over the next ten years.

Photos by Rosalind Russell

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