Espanola woman marathoning for Muscular Sclerosis

By Rosalind Russell – An Espanola woman who has been diagnosed with muscular sclerosis and is an avid marathoner has changed up her routines, but still pushes herself to the limit.

Heather Wilson was diagnosed with the degenerative disease just over a year ago and she admits it has been difficult adapting to her condition, but that is not stopping her from getting out on the road.

Multiple sclerosis is a long-lasting chronic disease of the central nervous systems and can cause loss of motor skills among other symptoms.

Wilson says she used to run half-marathons, but is no longer able to run, so she walks, but not alone.

She says her running buddies, Leeanne Bowerman-St. Pierre and Tammy Sheppard walk with her and she has already completed 28,000 kilometres of her 50,000-kilometre goal.

Wilson adds she used to run 21.2 kilometres, but now she averages 5.5 kilometres daily with a cane.

She thanks the wider community for their support and is hoping they will consider a donation to the national society to assist with research in fighting the disease.

You can make a donation at

Photo: Heather Wilson of Espanola collected quite a few medals during her years as a half-marathoner. With a diagnosis of MS, she has the memory wall, but has changed up her routine from running 21 kilometres to walking an average of five kilometres a day with a cane. She hopes to bring attention to MS and encourages the public to find out more and support research into the degenerative disease. Photos supplied.

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