Huge increase in food bank visits

By Rosalind Russell – Feed Ontario is releasing a new piece of record-breaking data: over 1 million people in Ontario visited a food bank in the last year.

The organization also shared that food banks in the province were visited 7.6 million times over the course of the year, which is a 134% increase from 2019-2020.

This represents a continued trend in the rise of food bank visits, marking an all-time high and the eighth consecutive year of growth.

When we released record-breaking data last year, we thought that was the high-water mark says Feed Ontario CEO Carolyn Stewart.

But food bank use has only continued to climb as more Ontarians find themselves struggling to make ends meet.

She asks when will our governments say enough is enough and take meaningful action against food insecurity and poverty?

Feed Ontario’s data shows that the main drivers of food insecurity in Ontario are a result of the rapid spike in the cost of living, which many incomes have not kept up with, and a heightened economic vulnerability that is being felt throughout the province.

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