Location chosen for new arena in Sudbury

By Rosalind Russell – A location has been selected for the new arena in Greater Sudbury in the downtown core.

The proposed site for the $225-million arena/events centre is located just east of the existing 70-year-old Sudbury Community Arena.

The city’s Growth and Infrastructure Manager Tony Cecutti says previously council’s only demand was that it had to be located in the downtown.

He says the proposed site includes municipal parking lots, closed down businesses and the Wacky Wings restaurant, which was expropriated for $2.49 million and will close in March.

He adds the site selection avoids the need for road realignments and access to spaces such as the Memorial Park and the Tom Davies Square courtyard to support large events.

He says a preliminary geotechnical investigation is currently under review by the architectural team, which will also be reported back to council.

Council still has to make a decision on what will happen with the existing arena.

Cecutti will present the report to council next Tuesday.

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