Manitoulin and North Shore First Nations taking part in energy investment projects

By Rosalind Russell – Four First Nations, two on Manitoulin Island and two along the North Shore Corridor are sharing in funding for energy investment projects.

The Ontario government announced yesterday increased funding for the province’s Indigenous Energy Support Programs with 93 projects from across 58 indigenous communities sharing in the $5-million dollars.

Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation is receiving just over $69,000 that will be used to deliver workshops and training for community members to get involved with renewable energy and energy conservation. M’Chigeeng First Nation is receiving $97,300 to host community energy engagements with youth and community members, in addition to training and travel costs for their Community Energy Champion.

Sheshegwaning First Nation is developing an energy project management training and skills building program to build, maintain and operate their growing number of renewable energy assets with the investment of $125,000.

And, Whitefish River First Nation is investing $19,000 to deliver Solar PV Operation and Maintenance Training, and hosting an Energy Symposium Event and Youth Workshops.

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