Manitoulin OPP, MTO and MNRF conduct joint ride for drivers and hunters

By Rosalind Russell – The Manitoulin OPP, the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests carried out a joint RIDE program last Friday on Highway Six on Manitoulin Island.

Officials say the joint initiative was not only to check vehicles, but also to check out the large number of hunters who hunt on Manitoulin.

The R.I.D.E. program saw 750 motor vehicles and approximately 200 hunters.

Conservation Officers conducted five investigations, which resulted in the seizing of eight deer, one rifle with ammunition, six deer tags and issued three provincial offence notices.

The OPP and MTO issued three Highway Traffic Act tickets, which were related to Commercial Motor Vehicle inspections, five warnings and 31 mandatory alcohol screenings.

Photo: Motorists and hunters alike were checked during a RIDE program set up on Highway Six on the weekend. It was all part of the Manitoulin Island hunt with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry seizing eight deer, three tags and laying charges against individuals. Photo provided by MNRF and used with permissions.

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