MP Carol Hughes to Run for Speaker of the House of Commons

OTTAWA – MP Carol Hughes has announced her intention to run for Speaker of the House of Commons.

“After some deliberation, I have made the decision to run for Speaker,” said Hughes. “It’s a challenging job, but I have the experience, judgement, and temperament necessary for this role that is vital to the functioning of our democracy.”

Hughes is the most experienced chair occupant currently in the House of Commons, having served as Assistant Deputy Speaker in two previous Parliaments, as well as the current Parliament. Members of Parliament are scheduled to elect the next Speaker on Tuesday, October 3rd.

“In my time as Assistant Deputy Speaker, I’ve worked to be even-handed, and have received feedback from members of all parties affirming this,” said Hughes. “I believe now, more than ever, we need a Speaker who can both allow important debate to flourish, and firmly keep order in the House to ensure Canadians feel represented by their MPs.”

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