Purolator Tackle Hunger Red Bag Campaign kicks off tomorrow 

Photo: Purolator Tackle Hunger is launching its Third Elliot Lake and Spanish Red Bag Doorstep Food Drive tomorrow and are looking to fill 1,500 of the red bags by September 30th. Photo supplied

By Rosalind Russell – Purolator Tackle Hunger is launching its Third Elliot Lake and Spanish Red Bag Doorstep Food Drive tomorrow. 

Purolator spokesperson, Emily Innes-Leroux, says the hope to donate 1,500 red bags of food to the Elliot Lake and Spanish Food banks.  

She says red bags will be dropped off throughout the communities tomorrow and residents can fill their bags with non-perishable items and leave them on their doorsteps. 

Innes-Leroux adds the bags will be picked up before 9 am on September 30th and then delivered to both food banks. 

She says this is the third year for the campaign, raising over 13,000 pounds to date for the two agencies. 

The food banks most-needed items include:  

Canned or powdered milk 

Canned vegetables and fruits 

Fruit juices 

High-protein foods 

Infant foods and baby formula 

Packaged pasta 

Pasta sauce 


Whole-grain cereals 

The Elliot Lake Emergency Food Bank provides temporary food relief to people who are struggling with hunger in Elliot Lake – over 25 per cent of whom are children. The organization’s goal is to provide its clients with a three-day supply of food, once per month. Since 2021, the organization has seen an increase in their client list year over year. 

If residents who received bags on doorsteps miss the pick-up deadline in Elliot Lake, donations can be dropped off at the Fire Hall on Hillside North. If the pick-up deadline in Spanish is missed, residents can drop off donations at the Royal Canadian Legion, at 5 Brennan Harbour Road. 


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