Young Massey boy to receive certificate for saving a girl’s life

Photo: Andrea Pyette says her daughter, seven-year-old Keira Weist, is back in the pool with her sister, nine-year-old River, helping her with swimming lessons following a harrowing experience where Keira nearly drowned. Her mother says they now realize the importance of teaching children the importance of water safety and encourages all parents to do the same. She extends a huge heartfelt thank you to Carter Eshkakogan who rescued her daughter when she was swimming at Mouth Park and got caught by the current. Photo provided by Andrea Pyette.

By Rosalind Russell – Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers council will host a special meeting and have a special guest to acknowledge his heroic efforts in saving a young girl from drowning.

Andrea Pyette of Massey says her seven-year-old daughter, Keira Weist was saved from drowning on June 20th by a 12-year-old boy, Carter Eshkakogan, also of Massey.

She says her daughter was swimming with friends at the Mouth Park when she was caught by the current and was being pulled underwater.

Pyette adds Carter spotted Keira having trouble and swam to her rescue saving her life, adding her daughter has received medical treatment and is now taking swimming lessons.

Word of his actions spread, and township council will present him with a Certificate of Bravery acknowledging his heroism at a special July 8th meeting at one pm.

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